WWI Distinguished Conduct Medal Citations

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Information about WWI Distinguished Conduct Medal Citations

The WW1 Distinguished Conduct Medal was established in 1854 during the Crimean War in order to recognise gallantry for other ranks (i.e., non-officer rank). Bars were awarded in recognition of further acts of gallantry meriting the same award.

This set of records lists the full citations of the Distinguished Conduct Medal in the Great War. The DCM may not have the cachet of the Victoria Cross, but the deeds told in the citations for the award are just as heroic and inspiring.

Search records and transcriptions show the name and regiment of the honoured soldier; to read the full citation and date of issue, you'll need to view the original record.

Citations include stories such as that of Private Hawley; "When his company was cut off from the remainder of the battalion he volunteered to swim the River l'Escaut and take back a report to battalion headquarters, after one runner had been drowned in the attempt. He did so under heavy fire and got the message safely back. He returned with important orders from headquarters to his company, again swimming the river."