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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 19 May 2024 11:04

Mel, good to know that your arm is less painful today. There must be so much to do, when you have so much grounds to care for, so it's hard to have a rest day, especially at this time of the year.

AnnG, It's lovely that you are spending time with family in a beautiful part of the country, but sorry to hear about your cough. There are some nasty lingering ones about this year. I'm not usually troubled by them, but one a few months back took ages to go. It was not too bad, when I kept quiet, but if I talked a fair bit, eg. on the phone, it would start up again... a message to me there somewhere ;-)
I know what you mean about peacocks, as we went to a barbeque yesterday evening in aid of a charity. It was held at a large house in the country, which had peacocks roaming free in the grounds and we could hear them calling at times. In fact, as we were getting in the car to leave, one was screeching up in the treetops above us... They can be quite vocal !

Sorry to read of your pain, Mandy. It seems that you know how to manage it, so I hope that by being careful, you soon feel better. I know you like to keep busy, so it can't be easy for you to not be active.

Vera and Ann, I hope you are well today and that both your respective Mr Crewcuts are not too over active with their efforts to help.

After rather a dismal day for much of the time yesterday, the sun is shining again, which always makes me more willing to get on with things. A particular cupboard is the target today. I wonder what unexpected things we will find there.?The porch cupboard last weekend produced some unexpected finds hidden in it's depths,which resulted in a serious 'cull', which meant bags have gone for charity, and some items are ready to go to son and elder daughter, as the coats and footwear were left here and forgotten, so they can go back and we will have more room for our belongings.


MillymollyAmanda Report 19 May 2024 10:13

Morning all,
Nice bright morning here so nice to see the sun after the day we had yesterday it was so cold .
Still have the pain between my shoulder blades ,I just have to rest and not stretch up or stoop down and be very careful what I eat ,this is the most pain I have had ,it usually takes a week to ease up .


AnninGlos Report 19 May 2024 09:27

Good morning all, a lot cooler today and complete cloud cover. It is supposed to be a dry day but not as nice as yesterday. I slept ok, didn’t cough but when I coughed this morning I sound like a forty a day person.
All I can hear is the peacock on our balcony rail calling. There are at least two males and five females here but really there only seems to be one who comes so close.

We had two pied wagtails outside yesterday as well.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 19 May 2024 09:04

Morning all,

Beautiful morning plenty of the old yellow stuff and a clear blue sky pc says mostly sunny and 16 degrees.

Slept well although it took me a while to drop off and arm is not so achey this morning.

Don't think BIL will come today but he has'nt cut the orchard now for about three weeks at least. I need to do more strimming so perhaps I can get some of that done today.

Hope you all had a good nights sleep and now feel ready for the day.

Mandy how's the gall stones today? Are you still in pain, I hope you feel better soon.


Annx Report 18 May 2024 21:46

Yes Mel, I was very tired but put it down to my upset tummy episode. I just checked online and there is a patient leaflet there that says being very tired is a common side effect. Our surgery never gave me any leaflet at all, so I wonder if others were given one? It says you should read it before having Spikevax and tells you how to report side effects etc.

Vera you are catching up in the garden now with the help of Mr Crewcut! OH is just as bad if I ask him to prune anything. I might just as well say hack it down. I need to declutter some of my clothes, as I can hardly move the coathangers in the wardrobes or find what I want in there. I still have a few VHS tapes. I ditched the Fred Astaire tapdancing ones a while back, but three left are one of OH giving a talk about Thomas Hardy, one of me in an end of year tap dance at a nightschool show. The last is of me as one of the ten finalists in a National Driver of the Year Competition between Dept Social Security and Dept of Health at Rover Cars twenty years ago! I didn't win, but we stayed at Studley Castle overnight where it was partly held and which was the Rover HQ then. Some time later we went to London to be presented with certificates by the then Minister of Transport, Sir Michael Partridge.It seems a lifetime ago now.

I'm off to bed too and need to be up early to put the washer on and go out to do more weeding!


SuffolkVera Report 18 May 2024 20:46

Good evening all

It has been a nice warm day, cloudy this morning and sunny this afternoon. I managed to get some jobs done in the garden; I planted up some of my geranium cuttings in a couple of the troughs up the side of the house, did a bit of weeding and lifted loads of daffodil bulbs from two very big pots. The leaves hadn't completely died back but I need the pots so I've spread the bulbs on trays in the mini greenhouse till they are completely dried out and I can store them till the autumn. Then I allowed Mr Crewcut into the garden with his electric trimmer thing. We had 3 large shrubs that needed some off the height and quite a bit off the depth as they were taking over the beds and a wooden bench was almost hidden in one of them. Let's just say that you can now hardly see the shrub behind the bench. 1 of the others is perfect as I caught him before he started on that and made sure he knew how much to trim it back. The other is somewhat smaller than I would have liked. but I'm sure they will all grow again.

I don't think I've seen a wagtail since we moved here but a couple of days ago I saw a pied wagtail down the bottom of the road and today there has been one bobbing about in our garden all day. That was lovely to see.

This afternoon I decided to start on a bit of decluttering of my bedroom. My clothes are all downstairs in OH's room and I've already done those but nearly all the book shelves are in my room. I hate getting rid of books but some just had to go. A low cabinet at the end of the shelves was full of VHS videos that were donkey's years old. Lots were recordings we had made of concerts and plays on television etc and there were about a dozen with episodes of The Cold War which were on TV a long, long while ago. I think they will have to be taken to the tip but there are also quite a few commercial recordings of musicals and films. I will take those to a charity shop as some people do still have a VHS player.

By the time I had done all that sorting out it was getting late and I was tired and didn't feel like cooking or eating much so we just had poached eggs on toast.

Annx, it's good you are getting sorted out with what you want in your ensuite. It sounds as though your bathroom shop is quite helpful. I had to smile at you telling OH we had visited the Space Station. The nearest I am getting to space is from inside the planetarium.

I hope Mel's achey arm, AnnG's cough and Mandy's gallstone problem are all improving and you all get a good night's sleep. I'm going to aim for an early night myself.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 May 2024 20:28

My arm ached so much this morning I could hardly pull my trousers on. I don't lay on that side either and it did'nt hurt at all when the nurse did it I was waiting for a pain but nothing and she said "all done" .

Felt really tired this afternoon when BIL had gone so threw myself on the bed and slept till 6.18pm. Don't know what time I went in there but I think I must have needed it. Maybe the injection is the cause?


Annx Report 18 May 2024 16:18

Afternoon All,

It's 17 degrees here and sunny. We were up early and OH started weeding the borders on the front for half an hour. He'd filled the garden bin by then so that's ready for collection now. He's gone to a match at Finedon where Reverend Richard Coles lives not far from where Jane lived.

I heard that chap on our front again this morning and opened the blind and waved through the glass to him to move his car. He looked a bit shocked to see me, but I doubt he will take any notice.

I then went to the bathroom place we used in the past with some measurements and a scale drawing of the ensuite plus photos. The man seemed amazed and said he wished everybody did the same. I sorted a few improvements out and have decided all the tiles can go and to have sealed plastic boards that willl just need a wipe, no grout to clean, and have a guarantee to outlive me! Their office walls are done in them and looked really good. They can start in September so I just need to run things past OH and see what we want in the bathroom now as they said a shower would just fit. Then we can go ahead.

Oh Mandy what a shame you have trouble wth the gallstones again. As you say it's one thing after another at times. I was listing my ailments to OH the other night and it was depressing so I stopped when I started on my second hand! OH is the same too. I hope the pain soon eases for you. Thank you for mentioning The Great Sewing Bee. I was going to say about it, as I spotted an advert for it yesterday. I do enjoy it and love Esme, she misses nothing!

AnnG that must have been a nice ride to Newton on the sea, but a shame it was foggy. I seem to reember passing by Hexham when we visited Hadrian's wall once. It sounds nice. I hope the cough hasn't worsened and that you are managing to get a good night's rest despite it.

It's good BIL has got the mower going now Mel, especially if it is the only one, and he can get on with the mowing with it being dry. You have plenty to keep him busy. Oops, I see rain has stopped play now! So you have a very achey arm like I did! I was surprised it was worse than the other times, but it does improve each day.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 May 2024 16:04

Now its started to rain but at least BIL got the grass cut within the wall. Iv'e just tied up my little Clematis to one of the poles of the leanto over the patio and I was going to go and cut down some brimbles sticking out of the box hedge but that will have to wait now.

When I fed the chickens this morning and went in the run closing the gate behind me there was a clunk and when I looked round the bit that is on the gate to slide the bolt in had fallen off. I shouted to BIL but he just started the mower so did'nt hear me. I searched for bigger screws and found a couple after going through every drawer on the tool chest then BIL said he would do it later. He has done it before he left. Everything seems to be going wrong at the momenet.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 May 2024 12:02

Mandy I meant to put that up the other day when I saw it advertised. Poor you having gall stones problems again I hope you feel better soon.

BIL has just got the mower going, he had to push it over to the workshop again this morning so its put him all behind but I can hear it going now so thats good.

I am about to put the washing on the line and then go up the shop for my paper and scripts.


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 May 2024 10:21

Morning Mel ,morning all,

Very cloudy here and cold I just hung some washing out and my hands are quite cold .
Gall stones are playing up now ,got that pain between my shoulder blades ,it's just one thing after another .

Anng we've had fog here the last couple of mornings but it's usually cleared by mid morning, hope the cough doesn't get to bad .

Ann I keep meaning to say the sewing bee starts on Tuesday thought I'd just remind you incase you've not seen it advertised.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 May 2024 10:03

BIL is here to mow.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 May 2024 08:42

Morning all from a person with a very achey arm,

Suns sining at the moment but we are suppose toget rain today and BIL is coming to mow the lawns. I have to pick up all the stuff I strimmed off yesterday but it will be nothing too strenuous today.

Slept from 12am to 5.50am for the loo then slept till 8am and lay for a bit.


AnninGlos Report 17 May 2024 18:51

Newton by the sea, except the sea in in a sea fret (fog).
Cold is still with me, ok when out and about but hard to breath indoors and now coughing.
Had lunch in Hexham nice quaint place, lots of interesting shops.
Just waiting for Tesco.

Sorry you didn’t all get the photos. The group email obviously didn’t work with the IPad. Glad they got there in the end.
Glad you have a holiday booked Vera, something to look forward to.

You all seem to have been busy one way and another. Hope the aches are easing a bit now.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 May 2024 18:20

O Ann just when you thought a few words would do the trick and now he's back again leaving his door open with the radio blaring out. Some people have no idea about others do they. Its so very annoying when you have already asked his nicely if he would'nt do it.

Went and corned the girls and pulled up all the nettles along the side of the workshop. I am trying to get Foxgloves all along under oh's Sunflower painting and theres a fern there too and a little shrub on the corner but I need to put a bit of dirt along there and maybe sow some poppies and marigolds as I think that would look nice.

Not done anymore scraping of the road as the trailer is nearly full and I had a job to move it off the road onto the grass so people could drive down.

I'm pleased whith what I have done out there today and I just have to cut down some brimbles and I can get to the climbing Hydranger at the bottom. I also want to cut some branches of the big Beech tree down the bottom as its nearly hanging down to the ground and if I pull the branches down BIL can get the chain saw up there and cut them back. It will make it easier for him to get under to mow down there.

Still can't get the battery off the strimmer to put it on charge so I shall have to wait till BIL comes tomorrow. I lent him my one and he was so impressed with it he bought himself one as he was fed up with minding the leccy cable on his.

Salad tonight so I am going to boil myself a nice egg to go with it.


SuffolkVera Report 17 May 2024 17:31

You've been talking to yourself a bit on here today Mel. Gosh, ypu are getting lots done around your garden and land. I'm glad your jab went well. You might find your arm is achey for a couple of days so don't overdo it.

It was warm but quite cloudy this morning but it has been sunny and very warm this afternoon. I haven't done anything in the garden as I decided that we would have a housework morning. We've been out and about and done nothing in the house for days so OH hoovered and dusted right through and I tackled the ironing and several odd jobs. OH does make a good job of vacuuming but he and I have different ideas on what constitutes dusting.

We had an early lunch as OH had a dental appointment at 2 pm in a different town and I decided to go with him and meet him back at the car later. It did mean I could get in a shop without him and get him a birthday card and also have a little walk along a different bit of river which was very pleasant.

This morning our neighbour knocked with some brownies he had cooked. I don't think he cooks with his grandchildren on Zoom so much now but just cooks for his own pleasure

I'm a bit tired and heavy headed at the moment so I had better go and start cooking dinner before I doze off.

EDIT: Sorry Annx - I missed you there. That paper delivery chap sounds a pain in the proverbial. Since our delivery was changed our papers now come really early - about 5 am - but the chap bringing them is very quiet. I only know because a couple of times I have been unable to sleep and seen him drive up but he's never woken us.


Annx Report 17 May 2024 17:10

Afternoon All,

It's still 19 degrees here according to the PC but it doesn't feel that warm inside and has been a mix of sun and cloud today. I slept well but was woken by that chap with his car on our drive again with his door open and his radio blaring. He obviously couldn't give a toss about us asking nicely for him to not do it, so OH is going to dig out the phone number he has and ask where the paper is delivered from, so we can tell his employer. I need to take some photos as well.

We were going out this morning, then both had texts saying our new passports were being delivered today, so we had to stay in. They arrived at lunchtime, but were just stuck through the letterbox with the other post. We'd both thought we would have to sign for them! It was a much quicker service than we expected though, both sent off and new ones returned in less than a fortnight! We thought we might be a couple of months waiting! I said to OH that we hadn't been anywhere for ages or anywhere that we were likely to be drug mules so they probaby didn't have to investigate us much!

OH was out yesterday and said one of his journeys that should take 20 minutes took over an hour and he only got there just in time. The roads seem busier than ever now. We thought the cost of living crisis and cost of fuel would mean quieter roads, but apparently it isn't as bad as we are told.

We've both had a lazy day today and OH was in bed early last night and was so tired after a busy week he didn't get up till late this morning.

I'm glad you enjoyed the event at the Space Centre Vera. You'll laugh at this, I told OH you had gone to visit the Space Station! lol. You should have seen his eyebrows go up and his eyes widen at the thought of you both in your space suits taking off in a rocket!! :-D It's good you now have a trip to Vienna to look forward to. I look forward to seeing some photos afterwards.

I agree that it's nice to watch a film like that without violence, etc. Even on TV the films are either fantasy, violence or bad language and sex that have become so predictable they are boring.

Those small prangs on cars are so annoying, as they just from people being careless and can cost a lot to put right. If you manouvre slowly enough when close to other vehicles you can feel a nudge before it causes even a scratch. It really annoys us how often we park in a near empty car park and as soon as someone else drives in they come and park right next to us when the carpark has hardly any other cars. Why? It makes less door room to get in and out for themselves as well.

That's good your jab was painless Mel. Is your arm hot and achey yet? Mine was like it for 5 days this time. Is the knee a bit better now. Just mind you don't twist it again till it's properly ok again.

I'm nipping in the garden to get a few more weeds out. These short stints seem to be doing the trick and getting rid of them.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 May 2024 16:27

Just been strimming all down towards Prickerly Bottom and out and along the back field. Now my arm is just begining to ache and the battery had run out so came in for a well earned cuppa.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 May 2024 13:51

Had my jab and I did'nt even feel it today, she's a good nurse.

18 degrees here and lovely and sunny so I think I may go out in the garden and do a bit.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 May 2024 08:07

Morning all,

Bright and sunny at the momen t 12 degrees and pc says mostly sunny but the weather forcast yesterday said rain in the afternoon.

Covid jab today and I don't know why but I am not looking forward to it. It dos'nt usually bother me.

Hope you all slept well, I did went out like a light again eveni if I don't do anything much in the day.