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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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MillymollyAmanda Report 2 May 2024 18:59

Oh Ann that didn't sound a relaxing holiday for you both with all the traffic and weather so bad and then to cap it all off the loo trips ,I hope your both feeling better now your home .
It's best not to advertise when your going away you never know who's reading posts on here .

It's been a really lovely day here again I started off in a long sleeve top but after sitting out putting the little greenhouse up I had to get a short sleeve top on I was so hot .
Not sure I will get the plants in tonight as we might have some storms overnight and I don't want the plants knocked about if the wind gets up .
Ann the plants were selling well so I wouldn't leave it to long before you go to your aldi to see if they have them in .
I want to see if they have the Geraniums in again this year as they were good plants ,I was hoping they might have some trailing Geraniums in.


Annx Report 2 May 2024 15:58

Afternoon Everyone,

We got back from Cornwall yesterday and I didn’t mention us going till we were back, as this is a public site anyone can look in and we didn’t want any occasional browsers finding out our house is empty!

We went on Friday and what a journey from hell it was with so many roadworks and traffic at a stop start crawl for miles (5 lots I think OH said), 50mph limits in places, a lane shut due to a car breakdown, then a go slow with a car in a ditch. It took 8 hours to get there and normally it would be 5 hours!! Some roadworks (without a single worker in sight!) won’t even be completed this year, but why start them at the start of the holiday season? We spent the next day recovering, then the rain started. Sunday we had a nice Sunday lunch and a ride around a few pretty villages. Monday it rained all day and, I had to pay visits to the ‘white friend’ like Frank used to say. Tuesday was windy and rained heavily all day and we stayed in and I was happy to be close to my ‘white friend’ in case, but was ok. We were worried about the journey back, knowing the nearer the weekend we left it the worse it might be with the Bank Holiday coming up, so we decided on Wednesday and it was better, more like a normal journey. More ‘white friend’ visits when we got back, so I’m wondering if it was bought sandwiches I had on the two occasions, but I feel ok again today after a good sleep. That ended up being a short break and we think the fuel we used getting there would have got us home as well normally. Neither of us are keen to go back any time soon and decided we have seen most of what there is many times now. A change to some places with easier or shorter journeys we think.

Lovely sunshine here and I looked at the Hostas this morning, expecting them to be bare of leaves, but whatever was chewing one seems to have lost interest and left it alone now and it is recovering. Plenty of weeding needs doing now!

Mandy it will be good to get your little greenhouse up for your plants. It works really well and I think that’s what I will get when I get rid of my glass one. Thanks for mentioning the Aldi plants. I might pop and see if ours has them in. I always remember getting those pink Geraniums you said about a few years ago and they were really good. I have recorded the prog now, so thanks for saying about that too!

AnnG that lovely ship must be like a village inside and I would certainly get lost with my poor sense of direction. Yes, it would be good if you could get your lawn cut before going away. At least you have less of it to cut now and less of it to grow while you are away which is good. I must get some washing done!

I’m hoping the mop on a stick will be good for removing condensation on the inside of my windscreen as well, as it seems to often get it in the winter. Gwyn I’m still deciding where to keep it! It might be in the porch cupboard as you are right about all the clutter we end up with. My car has a big spare wheel sitting in the boot as well as the air pump, a cool bag, scraper, plastic sheet for putting plants I buy on and endless shopping bags that need sorting out. Lol

Mel the sunset pics are gorgeous colours. I hope that Sparrowhawk doesn’t hang around just as the Robin might have chicks. At my old house one used to sit in the tree next to the bird table. Could you get a pc hub to plug in with more sockets?
I think I will have an egg custard and COT now.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 May 2024 15:30

Robbie has been taking one or two worms off with him this morning so I am wondering if he is feeding his wife or a baby soemwhere in the box hedge. He still flies to the same place the orchard side of the hedge.

Glad you're ok Mandy we do all worry about each other you know.

Wonder if Vera had a good sleep last night?

Not seen Willie Wagtail anymore today with his offspring. They usually nest under my solar panels. I should think its nice and dry under there and maybe a bit warmer too.

I am now going to do some casting.


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 May 2024 13:42

Afternoon all,

I'm OK thanks just trying to catch up with lots of garden jobs and then tired out at the end of the day so we've had some early nights .
Been shopping this morning and Aldi had bedding plants in so got Pertunias, Lobelia and bizzi lizzies 1.89 for ten so a very good price and I've had them before and they were lovely plants .
Called into Roys and got some slug gel to put round the hostas as I see the ones in the front have one or two tiny bites so it needs nipping in the bud before they munch the lot ,also put two bags of clothes into the salvation army clothing bin at behind Tesco's.

There's a nice little programme on in the afternoons at four o'clock on channel 4 called Narrow escapes it's all about people living and working on the canals ,we record it and watch it later its a nice little programme.
We want to see if we can get the little green house up this afternoon and then I can get the plants I bought this morning under cover .

I hope that old sparrow hawk has moved on Mel don't want him getting your Robins.


AnninGlos Report 2 May 2024 11:50

I had forgotten to check which vaccine we were given this time. We always have had Pfizer with all the originals and boosters but just found that this time it was Spikevacc which used to apparently be Moderna.

Must have had a better offer I suppose.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 May 2024 11:47

Still 9 degrees here and cloudy its been raining a bit and all I have done is feed the robin and the fish. Must go round to the girls. I saw Willie Wagtail feeding baby on the edge of the pond so went to get my camera and dad had flown away. I waited but then baby went onto my pond edge and still dad had'nt come back so I gave up as baby had gone behind some plants. I did get a pic of the chick though.


AnninGlos Report 2 May 2024 10:00

No we didn't hear from Ann or Mandy so hope they are both OK. Not raining here now but looks very threatening. at least we didn't get the thunderstorms they had south East.. 12 degrees.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 May 2024 09:37

No Ann either???? Hope they are both ok.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 May 2024 09:36

Morning all,

Started raining here last night before I went to bed and I don't think its stopped since. Pc says light rain and 9 degrees but I feel cold tis morning so I have the heating on for a while.

Had a dram about boats . One was'nt there at night but was there in the morning it was a little white dingy with a pale blue stripe aroung the top edge and it was called Ewen. As I passed by I said that was'nt there last night and look its called Ewen and I looked up and there standing at the side of the bank was a young lad in blue jeans. Then I woke up.

Hope you all slept better last night.

Did we hear from Mandy yesterday? Sending love and wishes. <3


AnninGlos Report 2 May 2024 08:22

Good morning all. Not unexpected but disappointing, back to normal and woke up to rain. Slept well until 0430 then not that well after that.

You still got a lot done Vera despite not having a good night. Hope last night was better for you..

It doesn't look like a gardening day, I am hoping to get the lawn cut by the time I go to daughter's so would like a few dry days. I thought about it when I came back from the shops yesterday but was too tired. so today will be paperwork, admin and a bit of H/W. I have the bedding in the wash so the bed will get changed.


SuffolkVera Report 1 May 2024 16:19

May has started with wonderful weather, really warm and sunny at the moment though it clouds over every so often. I hope it continues through the month.

I had a really bad night. I slept for an hour but then woke up feeling very hot and couldn’t get back to sleep. I gave up at 3 am and got up, made a drink and sat reading till 5 when I went back to bed and slept till 7 am.

Later on we went to the shops and got a sack of sunflower hearts for the birds and a pack of 24 tins of Heinz baked beans which saved me a few pounds on Tesco prices. We did go on to Tesco where I filled a trolley. Since getting back we’ve had lunch and I’ve prepared dinner and done a bit in the garden. I’ve cleared 2 half barrels of tulip bulbs which I’ve put to dry out before storing them and done a bit of weeding.

Sorry, eyes have gone squiffy and I can’t see properly. Will have to stop.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 May 2024 15:41

That be song and if youappoointment it wood have ben.

That must be so annoying Anng and if yoou had had an appointment it would have been worse.

It still going bonkers I shall have to see if I can get the new keyboard on but I don't really want it plugged into the front of the box as I use both those ports for charging things up. There must be one at the back but not sure if I can reach it.


AnninGlos Report 1 May 2024 13:17

That silence is horrible. We had it once after a visit from a sparrow hawk.
Back from town now. Buses going in all up the creek. waited 40 minutes for a bus on our 20 minute service then two came at once. Not sure why. Understand them being disrupted because we have a detour on part of the route (Cheltenham way) because of a dangerous bridge that is closed but not sure why one is so way over its time. and this is not the first day this bus has been 20 minutes late. Strange.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 May 2024 13:10

My Robbie is'nt taken worms away and I have just seen the sparrow hawk fly across the garden again. This is the second day he's been like this. There are no birds singing or round the feeder.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 May 2024 12:04

Washings in I just have to check if tomorrow is bin day and get the bin out the front.

Hoover next and clean the little loo.

Feed the wild birds so BBL.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 May 2024 09:05

Morning all,

Quite bright this morning pc says 10 degrees and mostly cloudy but at the mo there is some sun.


AnninGlos Report 1 May 2024 07:17

good morning. 'Pinch punch White rabbits' whatever. 1st May I do hope this means better weather, maybe a proper spring day or two?

I slept quite well woke before 6 and couldn't get back to sleep so up early. Sunshine and 8 degrees at the moment Could change of course.
I think I am going to pop into town this morning. BBL


AnninGlos Report 30 Apr 2024 22:03

It was a beautiful sunset Mel

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 Apr 2024 20:59

I can't reach mine windscreen either. I do have a microfibre thing on aa short handle but I can't remember if I have ever used it. I think I have used it for dusting the dash as thats very deep on my car too.

I have jsut sent pics of my sunset. Its the first time it has appeared today at 8.42pm. I made a note of the time when I came in from taking the pics. Ones a bit bleary as I shake quite a bit and the camera always wants to lighten things up so I don't get the actual colours.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 30 Apr 2024 20:06

Daughter had one of those microfibre sticks. We referred to it as her 'wand' and she found if very useful for reaching far parts of the windscreen.
Only thing is, where do you keep such a useful thing, so that it's to hand, but not cluttering up the car footwell or elsewhere, when you are carrying other passengers?