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How cheeky can a cat get?

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maggiewinchester Report 8 Feb 2020 00:29

I'm pretty stubborn in the kowtowing line of things!

George has only just realised that, to get under the covers efficiently, he has to lower his tail! :-D He's really chuffed at this discovery.
George isn't the most intelligent of cats.
His late brother, 'Mister', who had a bent tail, non-retractable claws, and a face like a fish (but a lovely nature, and obviously the dominant cat) would kill a rat, and eat everything but the spine, tail and liver - which I would find on the kitchen floor. Mister would also find a dead bird (okay, kill the occasional bird), pluck the breast and eat just the breast.
George would come along after and just pluck the rest of the feathers out.
George would also (somehow) drag a dead pigeon (I don't believe he killed it) through the cat flap, take it to the stairs and pluck the bl**dy thing.
He never ate it, but what a joy that wasn't to come down to at 6:30am on a working day.
He no longer does this.

The fact that George has now (eventually) 'come into himself' is quite sweet - though he has taken his time! (nearly 4 years).
Betty the midget cat has changed too - she rarely goes out, preferring a litter tray, and (sensibly) realising George, unlike Mister, is absolutely no protection from other cats. :-S


Sharron Report 7 Feb 2020 23:39

Taken him a long time to learn how to train you hasn't it?


maggiewinchester Report 7 Feb 2020 23:29

Not bad for a cat who will be 14 this year, then? :-D


RolloTheRed Report 7 Feb 2020 19:34

Cats have a sense of humour and often mix that with play.
When the mice are away...


maggiewinchester Report 7 Feb 2020 19:15

George (cat) quite often sits on the back doorstep, by the cat flap.
I can see he's there. through the perspex flap.
Sometimes, he 'knocks' on the flap - this isn't accidental, I've seen his paw push the flap - and when I open the door, he either walks in, or stays where he is.
He doesn't look at me - he turns his head away, almost like he's just letting me know where he is.

Today, whilst preparing dinner, he 'knocked' on the cat flap.
As I was in the kitchen, I opened the door - and he was about 5 foot away, jumping around in pure joy!
Strange, I thought.
He came back to the doorstep, and knocked again (I saw him doing it, this time).
I opened the door - and he was doing the same thing - frolicking around!
I closed the door.
10 minutes later, he came in (by himself)!

I think he's learned how to play 'Knock down Ginger' :-(