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June Report 6 Mar 2005 15:52

Good Afternoon All, Well it seems I am on my own. booooooo. Lovely day here still a little cold but nice. HI jim that bird I told you about well I had a pair of them in the garden this afternoon. Its nice to see all the different birds now, so Spring cant be far away. Will be off now have to get ready to go to our daughters for a mothers day meal. Our grand-daughter Emma has just phoned to make sure we are going only she has made a cake. Catch you later. Tat Tar June.


Margaret Report 5 Mar 2005 02:58

Hi Everyone, morning for you, night for me, I am off to Calgary in the morning have a grandkid fix, and spend some money, maybe even a visit to the Casino for a little gambling, went to put a skirt on today, and found $30 in the pocket dont know how long its been there.dont wear skirts very often,so will see if I will donate to the casino or double (or more)my money. Will be gone till probably Tuesday so everyone be good and have a great weekend. Rick and June come home safe. Bye Marg


John Report 4 Mar 2005 22:22

Hi - It's that man again! The 'old ones are still the best' eh Jim! Now my version of 'The Bird is on the wing' It must be spring, da boid is on da wing. But dat's absoid, da wing is always on da boid! June, ask Faith when my birthday is, she nors ya Tell Brenda that that blind fixer was no Brummie, green screwdriver indeed (what's a screwdriver?) 8-((((((} Cats - chicken? We used to have cats when we were needing 'em and not feeding em and mouse was their favourite dish. They'd bring one in (still alive) and plague it to death ;-)))))} Have a good weekend everybody - Tarrarabit - John xxxxxxxx


Rick Report 4 Mar 2005 21:00

Hello everyone !! June - we are going away for the weekend but not til tomorrow. Lots of family to see and a big chinese meal to eat so Jan will be completely cheered up after her horrid week. Margaret - the pansies are starting to perk up lol. Have a hanging basket outside the front door and they look lovely. My cat has deserted me after Jan found a new chicken foil thing she loves. She loves Jan more than me now :-(((( Fickle things females eh ??? lol;-) Rick.xx


June Report 4 Mar 2005 17:42

Hi All, Glad you got back on the site Jim, even if you only keep things short for a while. You can always catch up when the site gets better. Say hello to Mary. John come on now tell us when your birthday is,so we can all send you greetings. Brenda was saying yesterday that they have had new blinds fitted and all the chap had re tools was a green screwdriver he must be a mate of yours. Margaret had a laugh re Victoria baths and Ansells beer vats, what lovely perfume you would smell sitting in there. I bet you miss that laughter. (Like a hole in the head) LOL Faith nice to see you back with us, its not the same when our friends from over the pond are not on the site. Hope your daughter arrived safe. Jan & Rick looks like you have both gone off for the week end. Have a nice time. All for now so byeeeeeee June xx


Unknown Report 4 Mar 2005 15:20

Hi all Jim here trying again. Spring has sprung, the grass has ris I wonder were the birdies is, The birdies is upon the wing, Thats how we know it's spring. All this talk of spring makes me feel OOOH!! John Did you hear about the vicar who at the pulpit said all young ladies who wish to become young mothers meet me in the vestry after the sevice!!!! It is good to see people coming out of hibernation, but in case my words get lost again i am cutting them short for the time being. WHO SAID PEACE AT LAST!!! So for now LLOL from you ever optomistic Jim and hard suffering Mary C.


Margaret Report 4 Mar 2005 03:28

Evening Everyone, Beautiful day here today feels like Spring, but everyone keeps reminding me about March coming in like a Lamb etc. John dont getting falling down that staircase before you get that free passport. Glad you didnt get lost in the snow storm . Faith, a friend just got back from her winter trip to California, she was there since before Christmas, she said the last few weeks they didnt even get to golf as it was to wet. One of our Golf course is opening tomorrow really early for here, usually April at the earliest. Rick and Jan If this weather keeps up may be I can plant pansies like you guys. June closest we came to Hot springs in Aston was the Victoria baths, unless we wanted to go sit in the Ansells vats. Well all for now. Byeee Marg


John Report 3 Mar 2005 23:59

Hi - It's that man again! 'I built a stairwayyyy to paradisssse, with a new step every dayyyyyyyyyy. I'm gonna get therrrrrre at any price, step aside I'm on my waaaayyyyyyyy' Hello all you georgeous ladies, I hope all of you who are mothers have a wonderful day on Sunday xxxxxxx For those who aren't (mothers that is!) Ohhhhhhhhhh Betty ;-))))} God made grandchildren as a reward for women who resisted the temptation to smother their own rotglol Faith, no point telling me about dress codes. I never did have any dress sense, and I ain't about to start now just before my 72nd (only four years 'til world watch-out day!) 8-))))} Jim, the only reason that I know things about my 'puter is because I wanted to know if I'd got what I'd paid for 8-))))))} Glorious day today, if it wasn't for the cold I would say it was summer. Tarrarabit - John xxxxxxx


Dame Report 3 Mar 2005 17:42

Hi everyone, I'm fine we have had a few days of spring, I'v been outside doing a few chores before the next storm moves in at the weekend, my daughter is going to visit tonight I havnt seen her for over a month due to our roads being flooded. We had and earthquake yesterday but it was about 100 miles east so it didnt affect me, still too close for my liking. Marg your usual weather seems to be dropping south even Phoenix has had more rain than Portland, I wish we had some hot springs how cool is that,you'd better explain to John that it does have a dress code LOL Jan and Rick well at least you had a little snow I think you may have more on the way, the east coast just got dumped on....Jim maybe now the site is a little different you'll have more luck, I hope so, love to you and Mary...Ok back to my chores..TTFN


June Report 3 Mar 2005 17:29

Hi All, Lovely to see you back Margaret, that sounds nice The Hot Springs, you would not find any on Aston Cross would you LOL. Its been a lovely day here in Wigston sunshine all day, but still very cold. Faith are you ok ? long time no hear.. Jan hope my daughter is feeling better. Hope you and Rick have a nice week end. Any updates yet re your big day ? Our Brenda is ok we had a good old natter this morning, we always have a laugh and put the world to rights. Jim have you lost it again ? I have not had a reply from GT as yet. Did you see what our John put re the server etc etc. So we both no now what it means. All for now so take care June.


Margaret Report 3 Mar 2005 03:39

Hi Everyone, Sorry I havent been in touch for a couple of days, Monday went for a soak in Radium Hot Springs Hot Pools, sun was shining and it was a great afternoon, lots of locals taking in the sun before all the tourist get here in a few weeks so lots of good conversations.. Yesterday spent most of the day on the computer working at upgrading all the Carpet Bowling clubs information, and printing it off for all the clubs in British Columbia, am just printing off the last page, have gone through a whole package of 500 sheet paper now have to make up the address labels and hope to get them all in the mail before the weekend. Today I went to computer classes,learned all about cleaning and, defragmenting as well as sending photos on email etc. well I am now going to get all this paper work sorted out. So bye for now Margaret.


June Report 2 Mar 2005 23:01

Hello John, Thanks for the info. But I will keep my (L) plates on for a bit longer. LOL. But at least I will know what they are talking about if they ask me (I think) All our snow has gone now but the frost is down. brrrrrrrr. So you did a round trip of 25 miles to get home, look at all the petral that you have used and wear and tear on your car laughter. Still it keeps you out of trouble. My car is going in for service next month as the ash tray is getting full up LOL. xx Hi Jan, So you have not had a very good day, never mind dear Rick will give you loads of TLC I am sure. Hope to see you back with us soon. LUV MOM. All for now must go and get my cuppa. What would I do with out it. ha ha. Tat Tar for now June.


John Report 2 Mar 2005 22:28

Hi ya - It's that man again! To those who still have 'L' plates (me included, well I suppose I am an improver). Your Operating system is any one of Windows95/98/98SE/XP home/XP professional/2000 or ME. Your Browser is probably whoever you are signed on with for going on the 'net. June it sounds like MSN that you go on to see Brenda. I am now on Tiscali and AOL so I can browse on either, but I won't be on aol much longer, just as soon as I can find out how to de-register. Drove into Lichfield today, just very slight sleet here then a snowstorm in Lichfield, I could hardly see the road it was sutch a whiteout. Coming home it was just like coming out of night into day. I don't know if anyone has ever seen rain on the other side of the road with you in the dry - it was just like that but I drove out of the snow onto perfectly clear road. I enjoyed the drive so much that I took a 25 mile detour home with my dasboard thermometer reading 2 degrees C. Love to you all - tarrarabit, John xxxxxxxx


Rick Report 2 Mar 2005 20:53

Hello all !!! Mum-in-law to be.....I ended up planting up half the pansies before the weather turned so I do at least have one nice basket outside the front door. Will teach Jan how to plant pansies at the earliest opportunity lolol. May not be this weekend though as we're off on another adventure (snow permitting). Jan didn't have the best of days today despite her day off so spare a thought for her. Have been doing my best to give her tlc though. Faith - this snow thing is just not working. We need bucket loads really and you seem to have sent it all to Kent lolol. How am I supposed to build a snowman from the 3 flakes that settled here ?????? Speak soon, Rick.xx


June Report 2 Mar 2005 17:44

Hi Jim, Heck I hope GT dont ask me what operation system or brower I use as I have not got a clue. I will have to tell them I click this and click that. LOL I have still got my (L) Plates on with this computer. About that bird Jim, I have a bird book with all picturs of different birds and again I have gone all through it and still cant find it. I must keep looking to find it. Say hello to Mary for me. Hi Pam, Sorry your computers down, could that friend not put it right for you ? I did send you mail with a photo of our Lucy in the garden. Keep your chin up. Hi Brenda done it again missed you on MSN, have you got the new computer up and running ? Will send you mail later on. Now Faith and Margaret Where have you two got to, are you both out and about doing your good deeds ? Jan have you finished all your house work yet ? your day off to day and you have not been on the site. Mom. Our John, Hope you are keeping nice and warm, dont get going into the woods or you might get lost if you dont take your compass with you. Catch you all later. Tat Tar June.


Unknown Report 2 Mar 2005 16:18

Tenacity Jim here trying again. June Your bird could be a Red Poll which is about the size of a sparrow, grey with a red face. It is known to move south in the cold weather. The Genes people asked me to advise them which Operating system I am using and Browser, I am lost as I have not got a clue what they are talking about. Thick that's me!! Nothing more to-day in case this goes astray Ever hopeful Jim and his Cuppa drinking Mary C.


Pamela Report 2 Mar 2005 12:34

Dear June Hope you are well again. Still trouble with the computor, kicking it does no good. I am babysitting at my sons so am on his computor. I am excited because someone has contacted me about my grandmothers family nearly gave up. It is my fathers side, not my mothers. She has given me names and dates. It was a lovely surprise, then the pesky computor played up. Kindest regards Pam


June Report 2 Mar 2005 10:20

Good Morning All, Well we have had snow again, but its come to a stop at the moment. Brenda, Did not get onto my computer last night, but MSN is on now. Jan now dont get over doing things, just because you have the day off. laughter. Mom. Will be off now but will pop back to see if any of our friends have come on the board. Jim as I said I have sent mail to GT and it did say at the bottom of their form it may take a couple of days to reply to me. Will keep you up to date as soon as I hear from them. Have a nice day where ever you all are. Tat Tar June.


Brenda Report 1 Mar 2005 22:44

June I am on MSN if you are about

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 1 Mar 2005 18:34

Hiya everyone - hope your all ok - hiya mummy :-)))) I work all day on a monday and tuesdays so thats why I'm a bit quiet after the weekend. - We woke up to snow yesterday but only a light sprinkling still not enough to make a snowman - I didnt manage to get out in the garden at the weekend June but Rick did - he planted half the pansies and pointed out that the frogs have been naughty!!!!!!! Day off tommorow - yippppppeeeeeeeeeee take care all love Jan xx p.s My elderly aunt luvs matt monroe too - she has a favorite that she listens too but I cant remember the name