These are your historical records search results

  • We have searched all of our historical records for results that match your search.
  • This includes Census, Military and Birth, Marriage and Death records. The number of matches found in each historical record set is found in each section.
  • To change your search use the 'Amend Search' box on the left. If you do not have many results try broadening your search criteria.
  • Start viewing your record results to see what your ancestors were up to hundreds of years ago.

Amend your search for "Sophia Alen"


There are 1 result for "Sophia Alen" in Census

These are your historical records search results

  • We have searched all of our historical records for results that match your search.
  • This includes Census, Military and Birth, Marriage and Death records. The number of matches found in each historical record set is found in each section.
  • To change your search use the 'Amend Search' box on the left. If you do not have many results try broadening your search criteria.
  • Start viewing your record results to see what your ancestors were up to hundreds of years ago.

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First Name Last Name
Sophia Alen
Collection Description
1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census
Collections from
Great Britain, England
Record set
1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census
Birth Year
Registration District