Photos & media

Top tip - results of photos and media search

Photos and media search results

  • These results show the photos and media added by our members that match your search criteria
  • Click on it to find out more details and send a message to the member who added that item.
  • You can add any photos and media that have been made public to your Keepsafe. When you are viewing an item you'll see the option to 'Keep' it. It will be added to your Shared Media folder.
  • If you see a blurred image it is because the member has made the item private. Click on the image and send the member a message asking for permission to view it.



Search Photos and Media

Enter the words you'd like to search for in the 'search box'. You can choose to search for all of those terms or any of them.

You can search everything, or you can change your criteria by altering the Show and Privacy settings. 



No photos and media found

Sorry, but we were not able to find any photos or media that matched your search.