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Understanding information(.Idiot's guide needed )

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brigid Report 14 Oct 2014 17:01

Hope I didn't appear rude not replying to this before, Argyllgran ;
My post certainly wasn't meant as a critisism ; I only used your examples cos it was 3 from the same family . Which i DID understand
If anyone posts similar info without specifying specify I couldn't work it out.
Marie-celeste's comment about 2 names obviously being a marriage seems obvious now ....but for all i new 2nd name could be informant on a death

I'm sure the explanations given on here will help others ;

I'll try to keep general queries on genealogy chat nameless in future as otherwise they quickly turn into searches of 1 particular family .


ArgyllGran Report 2 Aug 2014 17:54

Hi, Brigid -

I "gave" you those records in my post on 26th July (at 17.36) on page 2 of your thread about the Macdermid family:

If you read the post again you'll see that for each of them I specified what sort of record it was, so that you would know.

(Re Annie Hanlon Macdermid's birth in 1925, I had been talking about searching for births in the foregoing paragraph, so assumed you would realise that the four records I copied below that, including Annie's, were birth records. Perhaps I should have been more specific with that one - perhaps saying "possible births" instead of just "possibilities".)

To explain further:
"Not permissible" in Andrew Kyle Macdermid's death record is in the column for mother's surname (ie - maiden surname), and is because, as MarieCeleste says, the record is so recent.
I should have explained that.

On SP the details appear in a grid of columns, in one line, with an explanation above it of what each column is.
But when you copy & paste it into a GR post, the grid of columns doesn't transfer, and the wording appears on two lines, so the column headings don't appear above each bit of info, and are just confusing.

For example - here's Andrew's death record again, with that included:

No Year Surname/Maiden Name Forename Mother'sSurname OtherSurnames S ex A ge District City/County/MR GROS
Data Image Extract
1 1964 MACDERMID ANDREW KYLE Not Permissible M 73 EAST KILBRIDE /LANARK 643/00 0447 No Image

In the above, where it says "No image" at the end, that would come in the "Image" column. After "No image" , on SP there's another box saying "Order" (which won't copy& paste), where you could order an extract of the death cert , which would give you a lot more information - cause of death, exact date and time of death, both parents' names, etc.

On an older record, instead of "No image", it would say "View (5 credits)", and then you could, by spending 5 credits, view/save/print the image of the cert, complete with all info.


rootgatherer Report 31 Jul 2014 22:54

Brigid, I think the password you are being asked for is more to do with your bank than Scotlandspeople. When I put in my card details and proceed, it comes up asking for example, the third, fifth and eight character of my password. This is the same password that I use when purchasing anything online with my card.

To explain the numbers at the end of the records above e.g. Andrew's birth

627/00 0161

627/00 = District number

0161 = Entry number

Unlike register entries for BMDs in England and Wales where you can have more than on entry for each year with the same district and page number, the Scottish entries are given individual numbers regardless of how many are on the page.

That makes filing copy certificate much easier as you can use the district and entry numbers. For example, I would file Andrews birth certificate as B1920/627-00/0161. I would then note that on his individual record card.


brigid Report 31 Jul 2014 19:19

Wonderfully precise + clear as usual Marie-Celeste
usually people who respond to a request do tell what a document is but sometimes they probably assume it's obvious .
I will have another go at buying Scottish people credits ...couldn't get passed visa password last attempt .
I am supposed to be concentrating on my Russian line still ...
I have a translated document of 3 children's deaths without headings to columns but logic hasn't prevailed with working out whether numbers are birth dates ,death dates or ages in years + months or just docu ref numbers !!
I think a mother's death may be included in there .


MarieCeleste Report 31 Jul 2014 19:03

Brigid - when you say you were "given" the information does this mean it was in response to a look up request? If so, then did the person providing the info not say what they were?

However, simple logic explains them - the first record has two names so it's a marriage. The second has one name so it can't be a marriage, it has an age so it can't be a birth therefore it's a death (I think the "not permissible" pertains to the fact it's too recent to view online so the certificate would have to be ordered). The third record has one name, so it's not a marriage, it has no age so it's not a death therefore it's a birth.

The way any of us learn is to familiarise ourselves with the various sites - you don't really learn when people are finding the info and passing it on. I'd suggest buying some credits on Scotland's People and familiarising yourself with the layout of the records. You could then also view (if the age of the record permits it) the actual image and see all of the information.


brigid Report 31 Jul 2014 18:05

I was mixing up information people were giving me + wondered why
I still don't know if i'm being given a ref to a B M or D from scottishpeople site ;

anyone else have this problem ?
This is meant as a general query page but here are my examples ;




How do i recognise that the 1st is a marriage, the 2nd a death + the 3rd a birth ?
Now. realise the F after name stands for female but as i though the M stood for married in a document for a male birth I thought it was death info of a married man !!
ps for this Annie + many other scottish births Ist surname is birth surname 2nd name ie Annie is given name +the 3rd name is actually a middle name ..I worked that out for myself due to scottish naming traditions .

Any other examples of documents that may be hard to understand if you're new to boards or unfamiliar with some format ??