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The Queens Mother In Law - last night

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JustJohn Report 25 Aug 2012 13:06


Thanks for that. Not much of a detail merchant myself, so would not have spotted that was a year or so out. Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester was always in the extended royal groups till about 15 years ago. I knew she was still alive when Queen Mum died but she was over 100 then and had not been seen outside Barnwell (in East Northants) for quite a long time. So doubt she had the quality of life of Queen Mum's latter years.

As for the other Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, she was a very interesting lady. But not really in the public psyche. Less in the public eye and mind than even Princess Alice of Battenberg, I would say. When my generation (born 1940's) mentions Princess Alice, I think we usually mean Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester (1901-2004). Even anti-royalists tend to like the Gloucesters (ordinary and nice like a Danish pastry, and the old Duchess was always with her son and his family and was equally loved and admired).

I think you should follow up that point you made about Princess Alice and the Jewish family (families) she hid in WW2. Worth us all thinking about. Very brave lady. Using her deafness to such advantage - what a woman :-D :-D

Her great grandchildren (Wiils, Harry, Peter, Zara) have somebody to live up to. And she beat serious mental illness to achieve so much in life.


ChrisofWessex Report 25 Aug 2012 12:24

Now then John have just switched on wondering if you had picked up on my deliberate mistake - but you have not.

Alice, Duchess of Gloucester was born on 25 December 1901 - therefore she was 33 on her wedding day.

Duke of Kent married the previous year - there was a scramble in mid thirties by the Royal Family to get the three bachelor sons safely married in order to clamp down on the rumours.


JustJohn Report 24 Aug 2012 23:56

Thanks for that, Chris :-D Sorry, my mistake :-(

I knew that Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester had had her children quite late in life. I also said Prince William was in his 20's when he was killed. He was 30. Oops :-( I remember the incident fairly well, which was in front of crowds at an air show near Wolverhampton.

I was hoping for a response from Sharron in those 48 hours after the "she was Princess Andrew, not Princess Alice" post. It may seem sad to you, but I would say it is just good manners to apologise if you so obviously get something wrong.

And if the boot was on the other foot......


JustJohn Report 24 Aug 2012 23:42

Agree with that, SueMaid :-D Not worth the effort. But do not want to exact a dire penance - just to say what she wrote was wrong.

Have said my piece. This was a post from Sharron on 22 Aug just after I had referred to Queen's mil as Princess Alice. I think I was fairly factual and restrained when I responded to Sharron's post and expected an acknowledgement from Sharron.

48 hours later - still no response. So I followed that up. And then a short forest fire followed by "go away".

I have flared up a bit, and would probably just ignore it on another day.

But I would ask this, and it is a genuine question. Shouldn't the experienced contributors to this board be a little more careful what they write? Particularly if their purpose in writing is to correct something another lister has written.


ChrisofWessex Report 24 Aug 2012 23:25

When I read the posting of 23.03 I thought 'how sad' that a grown man should take such trouble to prove he is right.

As you appear to like accuracy - re your statement that the Duchess was around 40 when she married - she was engaged in August 1935 and married in the Private Chapel in Buckingham Palace on 6 November 1935 aged 34.


SueMaid Report 24 Aug 2012 23:20

You're very touchy, John and you really are very keen to point out where others are wrong and that they serve a dire penance for their mistakes. Can't really be worth the effort surely.


JustJohn Report 24 Aug 2012 23:03

Absolutely serious. I tried to ignore what I feel sure was an attempt by Sharron to tell me (and perhaps others including the TV company) it was wrong to call her Princess Alice.

But no attempt to come back on the thread and say she was wrong and neither Princess Alice of Athlone (who incidentally died after Princess Alice of Battenberg) or Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester) were the sister of George VI.

I did not intend to let Sharron get away with it. Is there a reason why I should? What was her purpose in joining the discussion? What has she contributed apart from mis-information?


SueMaid Report 24 Aug 2012 22:46

I would imagine you are joking John - I can't believe anyone would actually say the things you just have :-0


JustJohn Report 24 Aug 2012 22:19

This was your only contribution til tonight, Sharron : "She was known as Princess Andrew. The Princess Alice who died was more recent and was the last remaining great-grandchild of Queen Victoria, the sister of Edward George Vl."

Tonight, you have said you were thinking of Princess Alice of Athlone!!

Go away"? Your response is so disgraceful and childish. You were wrong. It is clear you were wrong. You even admit you were wrong. But you will not back down and say sorry properly.

Several of us have tried to have a serious discussion about Princess Alice (aka Princess Andrew). For some reason you wanted to butt in, apparently just to try to make my contribution look silly. That is how I took it anyway.

Hoisted by your own petarde, methinks. Believe I got a coded apology from you (sort of). So will go away. Have a nice weekend.


Sharron Report 24 Aug 2012 22:05

Go away.


JustJohn Report 24 Aug 2012 22:02

Well done, Sharron :-D I've had to do that myself a couple of times recently when I have made a mistake.


Sharron Report 24 Aug 2012 21:49

Go on then grovel.


JustJohn Report 24 Aug 2012 21:35

Well, I think you made an effort to make me look as if I had no idea what I was talking about, Sharron. That Princess Alice (of Athlone) that you confused Princess Alice of Battenberg with was a grandchild of Queen Victoria, so she could hardly have been the daughter of George V ( a great grandchild of Queen Victoria) as you suggested.

I think you either meant the Countess of Harewood, and thought her name was Alice, not Mary. Or you were thinking of Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester who died in 2004 aged over 100. But will accept you were just confused.

Whatever you were thinking of, you were wrong. And a little grovel might be nice.


Sharron Report 24 Aug 2012 21:20

The person I was thinking of was Princess Alice of Athlone who I was confusing with Princess Mary,the previous Princess Royal.


JustJohn Report 24 Aug 2012 21:04

Look at the post 22 Aug at 22.36. Am I being too paranoid ti think that was an attempt to make me look a bit silly? Was expecting a bit of a grovel, but nothing yet.


JustJohn Report 24 Aug 2012 09:31

Hi Brummie

Brummie. Just checked and you are right about Queen Vic's granddaughter (no, not Peggy Mitchell, another one related to Lord Mountbatten).

Lord Mountbatten (1900-1979) was born His Serene Highness Prince Louis of Battenberg. He was a brother of Princess Alice of Battenberg (later Princess Andrew of Greece). So the two daughters of Lord Mountbatten are nieces of Princess Alice (or Princess Andrew). And first cousins of Prince Philip.

Parents of Princess Alice and Lord Mountbatten (Prince Louis) were Prince Louis of Battenberg senior and Princess Victoria of Hesse.

Princess Victoria of Hesse was daughter of Princes Alice of the United Kingdom, one of the 9 children of our queer old dean Queen Victoria. QED :-S :-)

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 23 Aug 2012 19:43

I remem ber seeing this lady in the papers. She was a strong personality and Prince Philip takes after her. I admire the work she did, and I also admire Prince Philip for the support he has given the Queen over the years. It was goosd seeing the Queen still can drive herself. I hope she is a good passenger, drivers often arent.


RStar Report 23 Aug 2012 19:28

Yes, I watched it first time around. An eye opener! I think there are also a number of illegitimate children, now adults, linked to the Royal family.


ChrisofWessex Report 23 Aug 2012 18:37

No one has mentioned the fact which was revealed that she had sheltered a Jewish family in the top floor of her home in Greece for a twelve-month and when questioned by a Nazi officer - told the truth - that she was deaf.


Mersey Report 23 Aug 2012 11:01

~~~~ $andie

Thanks hun will do just that......looking forward to it even more after reading reviews on here..... :-)