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## Canucks International ##

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Diane Report 16 Sep 2008 08:42

Hi everyone, what a great thread!! I didn't realise when I posted my message that its like a little family. Thanks very much Edith I'm going to try that site, THANKS Mary, that sounds like my family! and badger us North Easterners sound all the same. Enjoy your day and I certainly will be back to chat!!!


Brenda Report 16 Sep 2008 18:18

Hi everyone,I used to post now and again on your old thread,and hope you will let me come on this one now and again.
I sometimes get lost in Manchester and i live there,LOL
Fred what brilliant news/,Brenda


Aussiegirl Report 17 Sep 2008 02:52

Hi everyone... We have showers today and lovely and mild..going up to 24c tomorrow..I love spring..

Fred.. Congrats to Sean and so glad you are going to the wedding.. Better still having him comming back to the UK with you..Liz will be fine I am sure as its a short flight and as long as she takes it easy she will be ok..I cant see you leaving her behind.. she will have something to say about that..hey Liz...good for you...
The veg garden looks fantastic..You should have some lovely greens to freeze and keep you going for ages..

Diane.. Glad to be of help.. I have Ancestry so if you need any help only to happy to have a look for you..though I am new to the full Ancestry and not sure what they have on the site yet..We are old friends on this thread and a nicer bunch would be hard to find..

Christine.. A sat nav is the next thing we are getting. The most popular one here is the Tom Tom,, dont know if you have that brand over there, but Fred bought one not long ago in the Uk and it cost him next to nothing and he is very happy with it..Get him to tell you the brand and see if you can get one near you..

Brenda Lovely to see you and pop in any time.. Tell the others on your thread to pop over and see us when ever they have the time..I always red Johns posts as he is living in the town that I used to live in and feel homesick for sometimes..New Plymouth has the most beautiful mountain "Egmont" and I never tired of looking at it..

Hope all are well and not working to hard..and have a nice day...

Love Mary xxx


Diane Report 17 Sep 2008 08:48

Hello all!! Thanks for involving me in your conversations. Hi Mary nice to hear from you and Hello Christine, I dinna what ya mean aboot the accent!! (Ha ha). Another wet day here in the north east, I think even the ducks will be sick of the water!! Still on my Canadian relatives search, and I can't believe how many people try to help on the site, its nice to know isn't it that people will help just because they can. Take Care


JALimestonePlains Report 17 Sep 2008 12:08

Hello to everyone - so lovely to have so many nice people on Les'thread - I am the one who Les, Mary,Badger and Edith always said on the last thread to not work too hard lol So usually read but not post often -they are right working too hard means I do not post lol But love reading what everyone is up to -someone said on the thread recently that it is like a family -sure is and we have always been there to hear of daily things and of hard times -we are always there for each other a blessing.
Sylvia how goes things with you and Norm? Wow fFed a wedding, dark horse Sean but so good he has found the person for him and a trip to Cyprus -you know you could maybe exchange tickets for the train if Liz'si Dr gets difficult. Something to think about


JALimestonePlains Report 17 Sep 2008 12:24

VP thinkig of you and Rhian and fam. and Nomie
Wonder how Sylvia is going ? maybe she has missed the change - will email her

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 17 Sep 2008 12:39

G'Day JA,
How are you?
Greetings to everyone from a rather wet & windy northern Perth. I've been waiting on a phone call from the FH centre to tell me my new film has arrived but it looks like I've got an evening off.
Still I should really catch up on some housework and some paperwork.



Lesley Report 17 Sep 2008 16:38

Hi Gang,

Just got a wee minute to pop in and say HI!! The lovely Rhian has had us all hopping. Man, she is quick. One blink and she gone. All day yesterday I could see the head of my son as he ran this way and that to catch her. She quickly found out how to open the gate into my little garden and had to be hauled out of there. We filled the pool and that was a great success for about an hour or so....just a very busy little girl. Hopefully I will have some pics to share. Now today I am going back with them and wont be home until Sunday. Not too happy to leave my Normie but he will be OK I think.

Great news about Cyprus, Fred, Sorry too about your Mom, Dorothy. Visit any time Brenda. Hi Mary, what did the doc say??? Hi JA, I know about you and that work....LOL!! Christine I am the satnav in our car (LOL) and you should hear the fights!!!

Diane, when I get back I will also have a look for your family and see if I can find anything. If the RCMP site proves to be a go then you might know where they lived. Then you could always try the city library and have them search the obits from the local papers. I have just been doing that myself and it has worked amazingly well. Of course there is a fee...but its only money....right???

Must go, Normie is yelling breakfast!!

Luv to all


Veronica Report 18 Sep 2008 02:37

Hi and Welcome Brenda

You could not wish for a nicer bunch of folks on this thread. Like JA, I have been working too hard covering a MAT leave to post regularly on the thread.

These folks have been a source of inspiration, laughs and solace through the years.

Mary - It cost me a lot to get a professional researcher to do my Northern Irish research and I am satisfied with what I have got for my money - but having said that, its not a lot, but it does confirm a lot of the disparate threads I had gathered from various sources in the family and from folks on the Records Thread over the last couple of years.

Hope to drop by a little more often over the next little while.

Fred - sounds like nothing changes with you- still up to all your old tricks and keeping us laughing with your stories of everyday life.

All for now and a wave to all wherever you are

Veronica in Dundas


Diane Report 18 Sep 2008 11:45

Good Morning All, and when I say Good I mean it!! I know I sound shocked don't I? but the weather in the North East has been awful lately, and this morning the sun is shining beautifully and its making me feel loads better (haven't been too well lately and struggling a little to get by).
Its very nice of you Lesley to try and help out on my quest!! I think its gonna be a tough one. It is nice to read everyone's comments and though I may not join in very much I will keep popping in. Take Care


badger Report 19 Sep 2008 08:36

Morning all.and a special one to Christine after hearing about the sat nav ,and Manchester.
You should have explained to people in the sticks about the mancunian way Christine ,it can be a bit frenetic owing to the computer changing lane flows at different times of the day,i found it very confusing,and i delivered there on a regular basis.
Tell you folks ,it can be very disconcerting to come round a bend to the first set of lights to find that the offside lane that WAS going in your direction the last time you used the road ,was NOW going the other way [muuuuuumy] he he.
Still it's all good fun isn't it ? lol.
Anyway ,when i go down in January it's to the airport and i won't be going into the city just by passing it on the M 62 to the airport,in fact ,i may very well go acrosss to Carlisle ,and down the M 6.
I am quite looking forward to Blackpool now,realising that i can catch a bus to Leeds once or twice,it will be so nice to visit the city centre and all the will have changed no end since i was there last.
I may even find out when the market is on and pay a visit that day,i could do with a couple of new pairs of shoes he he.
Time to go for now ,i have to go to the clinic shortly,and THEN,it's time to play with the new toy,my jetwash,firstly the car,which will save me a fiver at the car wash,and then ,the van when it comes back off site,in two weeks.
Hope everyone is looking forward to the start of their weekend,be back this afternoon.Fred.


Diane Report 19 Sep 2008 08:53

Just q quick message for Fred, Hello!! just reading back through and noticed I forget to mention to you that there used to be some Barnes' in my area. If you want I can try to get some info for you.


JALimestonePlains Report 20 Sep 2008 06:24

Hello to everyone, good to read of all the escapades and news. Veronica lovely to hear from you -sounds like some fresh air time coming up for you.
beauitful if windy Saturday afternoon here - we desperatley need more rain though, especially as the wind is so drying - all the spring flowers are out which is lovely a big garden bed of 8 camelias - all different colours, water them from the down pipe off the roof so they are in better shape than the rest of the garden. OH has decided it is time to spring clear out some cupboards -I have just rescued my knitting wool -he said I haven't knitted for years so why keep it -says I, I might knit in the next many years when I have time - wool now back where it belongs. I think he will clear the next ones out when I am at work lol
Have a good weekend all
VP so good to hear the time with Rhian has been nice and that you are off with them until Sunday.



Aussiegirl Report 20 Sep 2008 07:08

Morning all,,butter....its the days fly...31c today and lovely and sunny,,anyone want our weather,,, well ya cant have it,, we like it..though we could do with some JA says ,,its rather dry..

Only a short note today as I have the son and family arriving any minute,,told him not to bring a bun for afternoon tea as we are trying to diet...doc says my colestrol is a bit high so am trying to lose some weight..and mind what I eat..

Glad all seem to be hale and hearty..

Love to all

Mary xxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 20 Sep 2008 20:32

Hello all. What a small world we have!!!In one of my volunteer"jobs" I do an afternoon of serving coffee etc. at our Seniors Centre. Yesterday a young lady came in and ask if her Mom could use the facilities even tho' she wasn't a member. In they came and a gent stood waiting. I introduced myself and back at me came a voice sounding like Mary.!!!!!!I I asked if he was from Oz and he said no from Hobart Tazmania !!!
Turns out he had married a girl from Dryden 60 miles away and had come over to visit as wifes Mom will be 90 on Monday so a party is planned
The Mom was born here but had moved in 1941 and this was her first trip back. As the afternoon progressed several residents came in and were delighted to see her again. Her father had owned a grocery store here on the late 30's and some of the men had worked in the store. The history that they talked about was really great before we had paved roads, electricity, water works etc. I was wishing I had a recorder because it was living history that so many don't know about. The reporter from the local paper came and took her story and a lot of pictures
David and Heather from Tasmania were delighted that Mom had met so many friends and school chums and were very happy people.
A routine afternoon turned into a history lesson,coffe party plus,meet and greet and a thumb nail sketch of Tasmania. A day to remember and journal about.

All the toms are in the house now as we are getting down to 0 and +1 at nite. Got some beets at the farmers market today and once they are pickled that the end of the season for me. Just read a good book and wait for the snow hee heee.
Hope everyone is well. See you soon Edith XXXX


Aussiegirl Report 21 Sep 2008 03:11

Edith.. I have to laugh when that chap said no he was from Tasmania...There is a foklore gripe with the Tasmanians that when someone draws a map of OZ they are inclined to leave out Tasmania..Poor Tassie people ...I understand their Tassie is from Launsenton in Tasmania,, and they have a rivalry with Hobart, which is in the south east and Lonnie as they call it is in the north..They seem to have a dividing line half way between the

Having a lovely lazy sunday and dooing some of the dreaded maid has the day off...pmsl...

Hope all are having a nice weekend..

Love Mary xxxxx


badger Report 21 Sep 2008 10:39

Morning everyone ,and a special hello to our Edith,seems like you had a nice coffee morning ,wth plenty of interesting things going on,like you lass ,we have just about got all our stuff out of the greenhouse and are fighting to get room in the freezers for all this tomato soup we will be making.
The peppers this year have been spot on ,and we took a couple down to Stephen yesterday and his eyes stuck out like organ stops when he saw them,we really must try some chillies next year ,weather permitting.
Can you send me and Liz a jar of your sunshine please Mary,we have forgotton what it looks ,and feels like,not one day this year has going out caused me to raise a sweat or get sunburn.s'not fair lol.
Nothing special for dinner today,just chicken and stuffing out of the freezer,plus veggies from the garden,calabreese ,cauli cabbage and carrot..
I was walking from the kitchen to the front room this morning when i got Hissied good style,i forgot she likes to sit on the fifth tread up on the stairs,and as i walked past with my breckie [two slices of toast and butter] she launched herself at me ,landing round my neck like a stole.
My toast and plate landed on the floor ,and i had palpitations lol,Hissy ,realising that i wasn't amused ,shot off upstairs to hide [little baggage],she will have a late breakfast this morning ,grrrrrr.
Well,time to go ,i need to do the lawns for the last time this year before going back up the van tomorrow afternoon.
I did mean to do them yesterday ,but i spent the time using my new toy to clean the car ,it cleans very well ,so it should also do for the van when it comes back off site too.Hope everyone is having a good weekend.Fred.


Lesley Report 22 Sep 2008 17:23

Hi Everyone,

Well I am home again...had a fabulous time with the kids and Rhian. Bella suffered from separation anxiety for the first two days I was away so she was overjoyed to have her mummy back.

Vicki and I went to see Carol Burnett on Thursday nite. She was wonderful, and at 75 looks amazing. She showed some clips from her show with Tim Conway and Harvy Korman....I laughed unitl I cried.....good time!!

Spent two days with Nicki. We went to check out the largest Walmart in Canada....not impressed. It was huge but very understocked. Afterwards, for us Canadians, we went to the Superstore and decided that it was just as big, was overstocked, so a much better "shop"!!! Here in PA we have a mini Walmart which is just fine with us. Anyway, like I said, I had a great time and when I walked off the ferry Norm was waiting with a dozen roses....can't get much better than that!!!

For those of us that watch Little Britain, Norm got me a manequin (spelling) for my birthday. She was hiding in the furnace room when I got home. I have named her Emily Howard!!!! and she is a lady!!!!!

Today is sunny, nice Fall day. I am going to clean up the garden and then try and persuade Norm that we need to go away to visit our Kathy for a few days then for sure I will have tales to tell!! Altho I have one now.....Her daughter and hubby had ordered French doors for their house. Well they didn't arrive, didn't arrive so about two months later Kathy talks to the door company, gives them a right rollicking, and gets the doors delivered. Well!! she lets the door company in, doors are there, daughter comes home and says Mom what have you done.....we changed our minds!!!! pmsl Last time I chatted to our Kath she was off to the DQ to buy a huge icecream cake as an apology!!!!!

More later....Lesxxx


Aussiegirl Report 23 Sep 2008 12:12

Hi everyone.. We had a really hot day yesterday and today it is 20c ,,10c deg. cooler..still we got a bit of rain which we needed so thats ok..

Are you going to visit the lovely Cathy.. Great,, waiting for my laugh..Sounds like she is in good form still,,,tell her from me..dont change,,she brings a lot of smiles into peoples lives..

Fred. YOu can have some of our sunshine.. we dont mind sharing..Just tell that cat of yours that you dont want to fall down the stairs and break ya neck,,to go find a safer place to sleep..or its light

Well am off to bed so have a nice day /night all..

Love Mary xxxx


Diane Report 23 Sep 2008 13:42

Hello all, hope everyone is fine! It has turned a bit cold here, time to get out those winter woolies I think, although I never put mine away this year!! How romantic Lesley, your husband meeting you with roses, I think thats lovely, I have mentioned it to my hubby (just in passing, as you do) but I think he may have selective hearing!! Take Care