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British Newspaper Archive

If you are having problems finding matches with names you are searching for then we have some ideas to help you. The word which you enter into the search field is not specified. If, for example, you were searching the surname Briar, you would receive any article containing that word and this could be when the word is a surname but could also be a horticultural reference.

When you enter a word or words as part of your search, the results you receive will include every article that the word / words appear in. Although when you see these results, and depending upon what has been entered, there will appear to be a high number, it is because every resulting article contains the word you have searched. You can narrow down the results using the filters or the 'Amend Search' box on the left hand side of the page.

So, we suggest that if the results aren't very accurate at first then please try entering a few more specific words.

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